Sunday, 12 August 2012

Wet weather

I've not spent much time in the garden this week - actually I've barely been out the back door. It has been wet and miserable most of the week and have only been home when its dark outside. I'm really looking forward to the days getting longer so I can sit outside after work. 

There is still a lot of progress in the garden however. The sweetpeas are in flower, and are starting to form pods. I am, however, starting to suspect they might actually be snowpeas. Either way, I'm getting excited about being able to pick them straight off the vine in a few weeks time. 

 The kale is getting bigger and bigger - It's almost time to start making green smoothies with some of it!

The garlic is really taking off and has almost doubles in size over the last two weeks. I've got it growing in 3 pots, two over in a sunny part of the garden and one in a more shaded area. Interestingly the one with less sunlight has barely grown at all so I've moved it across to the other side of the garden.

The succulents are also growing well. These two were transplanted from another local garden, and the ones below are going crazy!

I've also got lots of silverbeet, both in green and purple - again almost ready to join the kale in a green smoothie.

Finally, the spring onions, red russian kale and purple silverbeet are growing happily in their new homes.

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